Friday, August 31, 2007

damn, damn ,damn!

my bookie has been laughing at me all week, i got to get better. the gambling gods just aren't with me. yesterday was a 0-3 day in MLB for -350 and a 1-3 night in NCAAF for -230.
well heres todays predictions and plays

Hou(T.Patton) vs. CHC(J.Marquis)
CHC -160
un 9
Phil(K.Kendrick) vs. Flor(S.Mitre)
play phil -130*
un 10.5
S.F.(K.Correia) vs. Wash(T.Redding)
play S.F. +100*
ov 8.5
NYM(J.Maine) vs. ATL(T.Hudson)
ATL -150
ov 8.5
Pitt(T.Armas) vs. Mil(D.Bush)
play Pitt +150*
ov 9.5
Cinn(T.Shearn) vs. STL(A.Reyes)
play Cinn +130*
ov 9.5
Col(U.Jimenez) vs. Ari(L.Hernandez)
play Col +100*
un 9.5
LAD(D.Wells) vs. S.D.(W.Ledezma)
S.D. -120
un 9
K.C.(K.Davies) vs. Minn(M.Garza)
Minn -190
ov 9
Bal(R.Liz) vs. Bos(T.Wakefield)
Bos -220
ov 9.5
CHW(M.Buehrle) vs. Cle(F.Carmona)
Cle -170
ov 8.5
T.B.(A.Sonnanstine) vs. NYY(P.Hughes)
NYY -230
ov 10.5
Sea(J.Washburn) vs. Tor(S.Marcum)
Tor -120
ov 9
K.C.(G.Meche) vs. Minn(S.Baker)
Minn -140
ov 8.5
Det(V.Vasquez) vs. Oak(J.Blanton)
Det +110
un 9.5
Tex(V.Padilla) vs. LAA(J.Saunders)
LAA -190
un 10
5 plays* going, i also would lean on Det and both Minn RL's, i think the Twins will win both ,big.
Bal vs. ATL
ATL +3.5
ov 34
Ind vs. Cinn
Cinn -5
un 40.5
Navy vs. Temple
Navy -20.5
un 51.5
Wash vs. Syracuse
Wash -3
un 45.5
Det vs. Ind
Det +2
un 140

Thursday, August 30, 2007

another shitty day, yesterday

well, another shitty day yesterday. in MLb i went 2-3-1 for -140, well hopefully i can right my ship, and i have my fotball plays in my previous post.
well, heres todays handicapped predictions and plays

NYM(O.Hernandez) vs. Phil(K.Lohse)
play NYM -130*
un 10
STL(J.Pineiro) vs. Hou(M.Albers)
play STL -120*
un 9.5
Cinn(M.Belisle) vs. M.Morris)
Cinn +100
ov 9.5
Mil(M.Parra) vs. CHC(T.Lilly)
CHC -170
un 8.5
Ari(D.Davis) vs. S.D.(C.Young)
S.D. -180
un 7.5
Bos(C.Schilling) vs. NYY(C.Wang)
NYY -150
ov 9.5
Det(J.Bonderman) vs. K.C.(L.Nunez)
K.C. +120
un 10
T.B.(S.Kazmir) vs. Bal(J.Guthrie)
Bal pk -110
un 8.5
Sea(H.Ramirez) vs. Cle(A.Laffey)
Sea +120
ov 11
CHW(J.Danks) vs. Tex(K.Millwood)
play CHW +130*
ov 10
3 plays* going todays, good luck to me.
I forgot to put these in earlier
Buff vs. Det
Det -3
ov 37
NYJ vs. N.E.
N.E. -3.5
ov 36
NYG vs. Phil
Phil -3
ov 36.5
Wash vs. Jax
Wash +3.5
un 34.5
Cle vs. Chi
Chi -3.5
un 37
Dal vs. Minn
Minn -2
ov 37
G.B. vs. Tenn
G.B. +7
un 37
Hou vs. T.B.
Hou +3
un 37
K.C. vs. STL
STL -3
ov 36.5
Pitt vs. Car
Pitt +3.5
ov 34.5
N.O. vs. Mia
N.O. +1.5
un 38
Ari vs. Den
Den -4
ov 40
S.F. vs. S.D.
S.D. -3
ov 38
Oak vs. Sea
sea -3
un 37.5
Pho vs. S.A.
Pho -2
un 169.5

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

yeah! college football is here!

I'm going to go ahead and post my predictions and plays for Thursdays college kick-off.
Mia. OH vs. Ball St.
play Mia OH +6*
ov 52
Buff vs. Rutgers
play Buff +32*
ov 49
LSU vs. Miss St
LSU -17.5
ov 45
Kent St. vs. Iowa st.
Iowa st -4
ov 46.5
UNLV vs. Utah st
Utah St +6.5
play ov 46.5*
Utah vs. Oregon st
oregon St -6.5
play ov 53*
Tulsa vs. UL Monroe
Tulsa -4.5
ov 51
SE Missouri St vs. Cinn
Cinn -36
Murray st vs. Louisville
Louisville -55.5
SE Louisiana vs. N.Mex St
N. Mex St -28.5
Weber St vs. boise St
Weber St +41.5
4 plays to kick off the season, good luck to me!

i knew those RL's would kill me

i don't know why i keep playing RL's ,they always bite me in the ass. so i struck out on the RL's 0-3 but did hit my side on STL, hell, i would have been better playing all sides i handicapped them out and predicted them 10-6, but NO, i had to play Run-lines. also i laid off the final in the WNBA's Det/N.Y. series and picked the side and un right, damn! oh well back at it today, heres todays handicapped predictions and plays.

Wash(S.Hill) vs. LAD(B.Penny)
Wash +170
un 7.5
Col(J.Francis) vs. S.F.(N.Lowry)
S.F. -110
play ov 8*
Cinn(A.Harang) vs. Pitt(I.Snell)
play Cinn -110*
ov 8.5
NYM(O.Perez) vs. Phil(J.Moyer)
play Phil +100*
ov 11
ATL(B.Carlyle) vs. Flor(D.Willis)
play Flor -110*
un 10.5
STL(K.Wells) vs. Hou(R.Oswalt)
Hou -150
ov 8.5
Mil(B.Sheets) vs. CHC(C.Zabrano)
no-line as of this post, but the cubbies should roll
Ari(M.Owings) vs. S.D.(G.Maddux)
S.D. -150
ov 8
Tor(R.Halladay) vs. Oak(L.DiNardo)
Oak +120
un 8
LAA(J.Weaver) vs. Sea(F.Hernandez)
play Sea -120*
ov 8.5
T.B.(J.Sheilds) vs. Bal(S.Trachsel)
Bal +100
ov 9
Bos(J.Beckett) vs. NYY(R.Clemens)
NYY -110
ov 9.5
Minn(J.Santana) vs. Cle(C.Sabathia)
play Minn -110*
ov 7.5
Det(A.Miller) vs. K.C.(Z.Greinke)
K.C. +100
un 10
CHW(J.Garland) vs. Tex(K.Loe)
CHW -110
ov 10.5
6 plays* today, good luck to me!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

swing and a miss

struck out yesterday, 0-2 in baseball, i really thought the fish had a good chance to beat the braves, the braves had been horrible since the break against left-handed starters, and the fish always play them tough at home. and Zona and Pads had only played un 7, like 2 times this year against each other, oh well, i split my WNBA picks, so -10 there and -230 in MLB ,equals a shitty -240 day. well heres todays handicapped predictions and plays

Cinn(E.Ramirez) vs. Pitt(T.Gorzelanny)
Pitt -160
ov 9.5
NYM(T.Glavine) vs. Phil(A.Eaton)
NYM -125
ov 10.5
ATL(J.Smoltz) vs. Flor(R.Vandenhurk)
ATL -170
ov 10
ATL -1.5 -120
STL(B.Looper) vs. Hou(W.Williams)
play STL pk -110*
ov 9
Mil(J.Suppan) vs. CHC(R.Hill)
CHC -160
ov 10
Cinn(B.Arroyo) vs. Pitt(P.Maholm)
Cinn pk -110
ov 9
Ari(B.Webb) vs. J.Germano)
Ari -150
ov 7
Wash(J.Bergman) vs. LAD(C.Billingsly)
LAD -170
ov 8
Col(F.Morelas) vs. S.F.(M.Cain)
S.F. -150
un 8.5
T.B.(J.Hammel) vs. Bal(D.Cabrea)
Bal -170
un 10
play Bal -1.5 +130*
Minn(B.Bonser) vs. Cle(J.Wesbrook)
Cle -160
ov 9
play Cle -1.5 +140*
Bos(D.matsuzuka) vs. NYY(A.Pettitte)
NYY -130
ov 9.5
Det(N.Robertson) vs. K.C.(B.Bannister)
K.C. pk -110
ov 9
CHW(G.Floyd) vs. Tex(K.Gabbard)
Tex -160
un 10.5
play Tex -1.5 +120*
LAA(E.Santana) vs. Sea(J.Weaver)
LAA +100
ov 10
Tor(J.Litsch) vs. Oak(C.Gaudin)
Oak -120
un 8.5
4 plays* today and 3 are RL plays, i hate laying more then -150 on a game ,but i also hate playing RL's, i always seem to get burnt by that half run.
N.Y. vs. Det
N.Y. +7.5
un 145.5

Monday, August 27, 2007

back from the weekend off

back at it again, i took the weekend off, well not really, i just didn't post anything cause i was to busy partying at the state fair all weekend, nothing like the annual state fair. i could go into details, but i assume all state fairs are pretty much the same, so if anyone reads this ,you know what i'm talking about. o.k. heres todays handicapped predictions and plays.

NYM(B.Lawrence) vs. Phil(J.Durbin)
NYM +100
un 11
ATL(L.Cormier) vs. Flor(S.Olsen)
play Flor -120*
ov 10.5
Ari(L.Hernandez) vs. S.D.(J.Peavy)
S.D. -230
play ov 7*
Wash(L.Bascik) vs. LAD(D.Lowe)
LAD -190
ov 8
Col(J.Fogg) vs. S.F.(B.Zito)
S.F. -140
ov 8.5
T.B.(E.Jackson) vs. CHW(J.Contreas)
T.B. -110
ov 9.5
NYY(M.Mussina) vs. Det(J.Verlander)
NYY -110
ov 10.5
Minn(C.Silva) vs. Cle(P.Byrd)
Cle -130
ov 9.5
Tor(A.Burnett) vs. Oak(E.Loaiza)
Oak -110
ov 8
LAA(J.Lackey) vs. Sea(M.Bastista)
Sea +100
ov 8.5
just 2 plays*, good luck to me!
Cinn vs. ATL
Cinn -3
ov 38.5
Conn vs. Ind
Ind -3.5
ov 139
Sac vs. S.A.
play S.A. -3.5*
play ov 143.5*
2 plays tonight and one lean with the over in the Conn/Ind game

Friday, August 24, 2007

slim profits

yesterday turned out to be 3-2 in MLB, on game was PPD, so i picked up +60, and i hit my only WNBA play for +110, so overall +160 for the day. looking to keep things rolling, heres todays handicapped predictions and plays, oh, no short write-ups , i don't have time.

S.D.(G.Maddux) vs. Phil(J.Moyer)
play Phil -110*
un 10
LAD(B.Penny) vs. NYM(O.Perez)
LAD +100
un 8
Flor(D.Willis) vs. Cinn(A.Harang)
Flor +110
un 9.5
Pitt(I.Snell) vs. Hou(M.Abers)
play Pitt*
ov 9
ATL(J.Smoltz) vs. STL(K.Wells)
STL +120
ov 9
Wash(S.Hill) vs. Col(J.Francis)
Col -140
ov 9.5
CHC(S.Marshall) vs. Ari(M.Owings)
Ari -120
ov 9
Bos(J.Beckett) vs. CHW(J.Garland)
Bos -170
un 9
Minn(J.Santana) vs. Bal(J.Guthrie)
Minn -170
un 7.5
NYY(R.Clemens) vs. Det(A.Miller)
NYY -140
ov 10
Oak(L.DiNardo) vs. T.B.(J.Sheilds)
Oak +100
un 9
Cle(C.Sabathia) vs. K.C.(Z.Greinke)
Cle -170
ov 8
Bos(C.Schilling) vs. CHW(J.Danks)
Bos -160
ov 9.5
Sea(F.Hernandez) vs. Tex(K.Millwood)
Tex +120
play ov 9.5*
Tor(R.Halladay) vs. LAA(J.Weaver)
LAA pk -110
ov 8
Just 3 plays* today
Tenn vs. Buff
Buff -1.5
un 35.5
N.E. vs. Car
N.E. +1.5
un 38
STL vs. Oak
STL -1.5
un 38
Tor vs. Winn
Tor +6.5
ov 48
Det vs. N.Y.
Det -4.5
ov 142.5
Pho vs. Sea
play Pho +1.5*
ov 171.5
just one play* in womens hoops, good luck to me!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

another day another 10 bucks

another day another split, but hey, i managed +10 dollars, thats better than -10. i'm liking the board today a little better. how about that football, i mean baseball game between the Rangers and O's, i handicapped the Rangers to win both games but didn't play them, oh well, that could be said for a bunch of games. i don't submit my picks or plays to a handicapping monitored service , but i do try to get my ballot in each day at , and i'm picking at 50% on the season in MLB, actually if you take out my DNP(did not play) days, i'm at 55%, if you don't get your ballot in by the time of the first game of the day, your shot, so i have a bunch of 0-14 or 0-15 days, if you take those out like i said i'm closer to 50%. you can look me up on there ,im the "clutchcard". i also have been doing good since i joined in june,i'm "the-crutch", i've picked up a couple of awards already. you submit your picks for games, either straight-up sides(winners) or over/unders, the over/unders on some games are way off from the gambling lines sometimes, so my record on those isn't quite as good. but so far my record is 468-343 on sides and 435-374 on ov/un's , the bad thing is even though i handicap out every game, i don't play every game, i don't have that kind of disposable income, so i just look for games i feel strongest about. well hers todays handicapped predictions and plays.


LAD(C.Billingsly) vs. Phil(F.Castro)

no-line as of post

over if no more then 9
Pitt(P.Maholm) vs. Col(F.Morales)
play Col -140*
un 11
CHC(C.Zambrano) vs. S.F.(M.Cain)
CHC -130
un 7.5
S.D.(J.Germano) vs. NYM(T.Glavine)
NYM -150
un 8.5
play NYM -1.5 +140*
ATL(B.Carlyle) vs. Cinn(E.Ramirez)
ATL -120
un 11.5
Wash(J.Lannan) vs. Hou(J.Guierrez)
play Wash +100*
un 9.5
Flor(R.Vandenhurk) vs. STL(A.Reyes)
STL -170
ov 9.5
Cle(J.Westbrook) vs. Det(N.Robertson)
play Cle -110*
un 10
Minn(B.Bonser) vs. Bal(S.Trachsel)
Bal -110
ov 9.5
Oak(C.Gaudin) vs. T.B.(J.Hammel)
play Oak -120*
un 10
Bos(J.Beckett) vs. CHW(J.Danks)
Bos -190
un 9
play Bos -1.5 -120*
Sea(J.Weaver) vs. Tex(K.Loe)
Sea -130
un 11
Tor(J.Litsch) vs. LAA(E.Santana)
Tor +130
ov 9.5
6 plays* going tonight, good luck to me!
Ind vs. Conn
play Conn -4*
ov 142.5
S.A. vs. Sac
S.A. +3
ov 141.5
just 1 play*, i'm kinda leaning with the over in S.A./Sac
Jax vs. G.B.
Jax -2.5
ov 38.5
N.O. vs. K.C.
K.C. -1.5
ov 37

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

just got home

another late day of posting, i just got home from work, i didn't have time at work to try and update this. not much that i like today, well actually there are some, but i don't play anything higher then -150, or rarely i should say. yesterday was a split day for -10. well heres todays handicapped prediction and plays.

LAD(D.Lowe) vs. Phil(J.Durbin)
Phil pk -110
ov 9.5
ATL(L.Cormier) vs. Cinn(B.Arroyo)
Cinn -120
ov 11
S.D.(J.Peavy) vs. NYM(B.Lawrence)
NYM +120
ov 7.5
Wash(M.Bascik) vs. Hou(W.Williams)
Hou -140
un 9
Flor(S.Olsen) vs. STL(B.Looper)
i'd really like to lean with STL,but Looper is so up and down
STL -140
ov 9
Pitt(T.Gorzelanny) vs. Col(J.Fogg)
play Col -120*
un 10
Mil(J.Suppan) vs. Ari(B.Webb)
Ari -220
ov 8
CHC(R.Hill) vs. S.F.(B.Zito)
CHC pk -110
un 8
Oak(E.Loaiza) vs. Tor(A.Burnett)
Tor -180
ov 8.5
Sea(M.Bastista) vs. Min(C.Silva)
Sea pk -110
ov 9
K.C.(B.Bannister) vs. CHW(J.Conteras)
K.C. pk -110
un 8.5
Tex(K.Gabbard) vs. Bal(D.Cabrera)
Tex +120
un 9
Cle(P.Byrd) vs. Det(J.Verlander)
play Cle +130*
ov 9.5
Bos(D.Matsuzuka) vs. T.B.(E.Jackson)
Bos -170
ov 9.5
Tex(J.Rheinecker) vs. Bal(G.Olsen)
Tex +110
ov 10
NYY(A.Pettitte) vs. LAA(J.Lackey)
NYY pk -110
ov 9
just 2 plays* tonight, i got alot of stuff i was leaning with , i just can't pull the trigger.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

well ,i've been away for a few days, posting, that is. well to recap from saturday, i posted 4 plays, i came out a whopping +10 dollars, i planned on coming back to post the night-time A.L. games, but i got side-tracked working on my jeep, trying to put a new CV joint in, then i had a fantasy football party to go to, my team is shit ,as usual. anyway i called my bookie and played 3 more, i played Bos -130, the over in Min/Tex, and the over in CHW/Sea, i went 2-1 for +90, so overall Sat. i game out +100, not shabby. Sunday i was at the state fair(Kentucky state fair) all day, i would like to say i got drunk all day, but its been so fuckin' hot, it's been like 90+ the past 2 weeks, its even hit 100 a couple times, and the humidity is like 80-90%, the air is so thick its hard to breath and you just sweat as soon as you walk outside. basically i spent the whole day at the fair like some jaded old man, bitchin and moaning about everything, i spent most of the daytime in the wings or halls, where its air-conditioned, signing up for free shit from all the vendors, trying to win stuff i don't even need, like "gutters", i live in an apartment , what am i going to do if i win "gutters". the free concert over at old cardinal stadium was cool, i didn't have a ticket to see the big concert in freedom hall, hell, its was sold out since the announced it, it was Trace Atkins, dierks Bientley, and kelly Pickler. not really my kind of music, but to each his own.
well sunday turned out to be another kick-ass day od plays and predictons ,but i didn't post them, so you'll just have to take my word on it, or you can follow this link and see i got 1st place sunday at, this should show you my win
you can also see my results at , i'm "clutchcard", oh, at i'm "the-crutch", sunday i went 3-0 for +310, i hit on S.F, Cincy,and LAA.
yesterday, monday, i went 1-2 for -170, i won on Boston , but lost with Tor and Ari. well since i do this for my own thing, don't expect me to always update, i have a regular job and social life to live. i would say, nobody reads this but me, like i always do, but i actually had a comment left on here. yeah! one reader. the person pointed out that Erin Buescher didn't play the other day for the Silverstars because shes out for the season. when i wrote the article bitching about losing that game and the over , i just pulled her name out because when i've read boxscores in the past , she usually did good, i had noticed she hadn't played the past few games, but when i went to and looked at the roster for the Silverstars it didn't say she was injured, they even have a little asterisk that denotes injured, but it wasn't by her name. i know its not wise to bet on a sport you hardly watch, i've watched parts of maybe , 3 games this season, hell , i don't watch most of the MLB games i bet on, but at least i get updates in my daily paper or ESPN, ESPN doesn't do much highlights of WNBA and my paper just gives scores. so i guess if i'm going to gamble on something, i need to pay attention. that game still should have went over the total though. i've rambled on to long, heres tuesdays predictions and plays

LAD(B.Tomko) vs. Phil(K.Kendrik)
Phil -140
un 10.5
S.D.(C.Young) vs. NYM(J.maine)
NYM pk -110
ov 7.5
ATL(C.James) vs. Cinn(B.Livingston)
Cinn +110
un 10.5
Wash(J.Hanrahan) vs. Hou(W.Rodriguez)
play Wash +120*
un 9
Flor(D.Barone) vs. STL(A.Wainwright)
STL -180
ov 9.5
Pitt(T.Armas) vs. Col(E.Dessens)
Col -130
un 11.5
Mil(D.Bush) vs. Ari(L.Hernandez)
play Ari -120*
ov 10
CHC(J.Marguis) vs. S.F.(T.Lincecum)
S.F. -130
ov 8
Tex(J.Rheinecker) vs. Bal(E.Bedard)
Bal -250
un 8.5
Cle(F.Carmona) vs. Det(J.Jurrjens)
Cle -130
un 9.5
Oak(D.Haren) vs .Tor(D.Mcgowan)
Oak pk -110
play un 8*
Bos(J.Lester) vs. T.B.(A.Sonnastine)
Bos -140
un 10.5
Sea(J.Washburn) vs. Minn(S.Baker)
play Sea +100*
ov 8.5
K.C.(L.Nunez) vs. CHW(J.Vasques)
K.C. +130
un 9
NYY(M.Mussina) vs. LAA(K.Escobar)
NYY +110
ov 9
4 plays* today , good luck to me.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

bittersweet yesterday.

i should have just stuck with MLB plays , i went 4-2 for +220, but i struck out in the WNBA, 0-3 for -330, the SUN had been playing so good, why Asjha Jones didn't play i don't know, for one, she played at UConn, you know those women can ball, second, shes the leading vote getter for MVP of her team, and third, she wasn't listed as injured, i guess when you have a playoff spot wrapped up you just sit your best people and don't give the public heads-ups. at least i know 75% of people lost along with me. the Silverstars center got shut-down and Erin Buescher didn't play, she averages 11.2ppg, she wasn't listed as injured either, and the Silverstars average 75ppg at home and give up 73ppg, but yet neither team could break 60,and the public was 89% on the Stars, just a disappointing night. well heres todays predictions and plays, i guess since its the weekend i'll give a little write-up, again i give all my predictions and plays a good look over, i don't just pick out of the blue. i just don't have time to do a write up everyday, plus i'm the only one reading this anyway.

STL(A.Reyes) vs. CHC(S.Marshall)
neither pitcher has anything to brag about lately, but i'll side with the home team
CHC -130
S.F.(M.Cain) vs. Flor(R.Vandenhurk)
Vandenhurk hasn't won in a month, but his last 3 games at home, he's given up runs of 2,2,and zero, Cain did pitch at home against Flor on july 28 going 7inn 6h 3r
the Fish are hitting 20 points higher than the Giants
Flo .267 home S.F. .247 away
Flor +100
ov 9.5
Phil(J.Moyer) vs. Pitt(P.Maholm)
Moyer has given up a total of 9 runs in is last 4 starts, 3 weeks ago he shut down Pitt for 1 run
i know Maholm's last game at home was a 9inn 3h 1r game against the lowly Giants
Philly is 8-1 since the break against left-handed starters
Play Phil -120*
ov 9
NYM(O.Perez) vs. Wash(M.Bacsik)
Perez hasn't been great as of late,Bacsik actually shut down the Mets at Shea last month
Wash +120
ov 8.5
Ari(M.Owings) vs. ATL(B.Carlyle)
Carlyle has pitched great at home, and this is merely revenge for the Braves who try to stay in the hunt
ATL -140
ov 9.5
Cinn(E.Ramirez) vs. Mil(C.Vargas)
Ramirez 3-3 3.75era 36-18 k/bb in 60inn at AAA Louisville(yeah,my hometown, i actually saw him pitch once this year he was horrible when i saw him)
Mil -150
ov 10
Hou(R.Oswalt) vs. S.D.(J.Germano)
Germano hasn't won sice july 15, the good thing is his numbers have gotten better the last 3, the bad is that it has been against worse hitting teams
Oswalt has given up 4 runs total in his last 6 games and he shut-down S.D. earlier, going
7inn 3h 1 r
play Hou -130*
un 7.5
Col(F.Morales) vs. LAD(C.Billingsly)
Morales 2-0 3.71era 16-13 k/bb in 17inn 3games at AAA Colorado Springs
Billingsly has lost 4 straight but only given up runs of 4,1,1, and 4 the last being to Col on july 29
the good thing is the Dodgers hit lefties at .285 on the year and the Rockies are like day and night or black and white they hit .299 at home but only .255 on the road
LAD -150
ov 8.5
play LAD -1.5 +140*
Bal(S.Trachsel) vs. Tor(J.Litsch)
Trachsel has went 2-0 this year against the Jays and given up only 3 runs
Litsch did beat the O's 2-1 at home back in april 8.2inn 4h 1r,but he only has 24k's on the year ,the veteran O's will take care of his youth
Tor only hitting .250 against righties and .265 at home
Bal hitting .273 vs. righties and .266 on road
play Bal +130*
un 10
Det(C.Durbin) vs. NYY(R.Clemens)
since coming back, Clemens has only gave up more than 4 runs twice
i'm just not sold on Durbin he's lost 2 in a row and the yanks are just on fire.
NYY -200
ov 10.5
so theres my 4 early plays* i'll be back later with the rest of the late AL games.
Hou vs. Ari
Ari -3
ov 35.5
Det vs. Cle
Det +2
ov 35.5
N.O. vs. Cinn
Cinn -3
un 38.5
T.B. vs. Jax
Jax -4.5
un 35
Pitt vs. Wash
Wash +2
un 33.5
S.D. vs. STL
STL +2.5
un 38.5

Friday, August 17, 2007

i'm doing this before bed

i'm going ahead and posting this before i go to bed, just incase i don't get a chance at work to update this today. i know my post was late, but as i say, no one reads this but me anyways. i did hit my only 2 plays for +210, heres todays predictions and plays.

STL(B.Looper) vs. CHC(R.Hill)
CHC -120
un 9
S.F.(B.Zito) vs. Flor(S.Olsen)
Flor -130
ov 9
Phil(J.Durbin) vs. Pitt(T.Gorzelanny)
play Phil +110*
un 9
NYM(T.Glavine) vs. Wash(M.Chico)
NYM -140
ov 8.5
Ari(B.Webb) vs. ATL(L.Comier)
Ari -150
ov 8.5
Cinn(B.Arroyo) vs. Mil(J.Suppan)
Cinn +100
play ov 9.5*
Hou(W.Williams) vs. S.D.(J.Peavy)
S.D. -200
play ov 7.5*
Col(J.Fogg) vs. LAD(E.Stults)
play Col pk -110*
un 8.5
LAA(E.Santana) vs. Bos(C.Buchholz)
Buchholz 1-1 3.26era 48-8 k/bb in 30.3inn AAA Pawtucket
Bos -130
ov 10
LAA(J.Lackey) vs. Bos(J.Beckett)
Bos -130
ov 8.5
Det(N.Robertson) vs. NYY(A.Pettitte)
NYY -170
un 10
Bal(G.Olsen) vs. Tor(A.Burnett)
Tor -160
ov 9
play Tor -1.5 +130*
Cle(P.Byrd) vs. T.B.(E.Jackson)
play Cle -130*
ov 10
Tex(K.Gabbard) vs. Minn(C.Silva)
Minn -140
un 9.5
CHW(J.Conteras) vs. Sea(M.Bastista)
Sea -160
un 9.5
K.C.(B.Bannister) vs. Oak(D.Meyer)
Oak -120
ov 9
6 plays* today, good luck to me!
Car vs. Phil
Car +3
ov 35
ATL vs. Buff
ATL +3
ov 33.5
Tenn vs. N.E.
N.E. -5.5
ov 35
Minn vs. NYJ
Minn +4
un 35
as i've said before, i don't play much in preseason
B.C. vs. Cal
B.C. +2
un 50.5
Ind vs. S.A.
play S.A. -4.5*
play ov 138*
Pho vs. Sac
Pho +1.5
un 167
L.A. vs. Sea
Sea -8.5
ov 161
Conn vs. N.Y.
play Conn -2*
3 plays* tonight, good luck to me.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

just a little late

since i'm the only person who reads this blog that i write, i guess it doesn't matter that i'm late putting this up. i had these games worked out late last night but went to bed, i didn't have time this morning before i went to work to put this up. when i came home this afternoon the power was out ,we had some thunderstorms, then my brother called and asked to help him move some things, he just bought a patio home recently. anyway Wednesday was a bust ,i went 2-4 for -200 , here was todays predictions and plays, as always you can search me on and you can search me on under "clutchcard", anyway heres the late picks.

STL(A.Wainwright) vs. Mil(D.Bush)
STL +100
ov 9
Cinn(B.Livingston) vs. CHC(J.Marquis)
Cinn +130
un 9
NYM(B.Lawreance) vs. Pitt(T.Armas)
play Pitt +110*
un 9.5
Phil(C.Hamels) vs. Wash(J.Hanrahan)
Phil -170
un 8.5
Phil -1.5 -110
Ari(L.hernandez) vs. Flor(D.Barone)
play Ari pk -110*
ov 9.5
S.F.(T.Linecum) vs. ATL(C.James)
S.F. +130
ov 8.5
Col(E.Dessens) vs. S.d.(C.Hensly)
Col pk -110
ov 9
Hou(W.Rodriguez) vs. LAD(D.Lowe)
Hou +130
ov 8
Oak(D.Haren) vs. CHW(J.Vasques)
Oak -140
un 8
Det(J.Verlander) vs. NYY(M.Mussina)
NYY -150
ov 9.5
LAA(K.Escobar) vs. Tor(D.McGowan)
Tor +100
un 9
K.C.(L.Nunez) vs. Tex(J.Rheinecker)
K.C. pk -110
un 10
2 plays* going
Mia vs. K.C.
K.C. -3
un 33.5

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


i finally have a good day, in MLB , i went 5-1, would have been 5-2, but got "no-action" on the ATL game because of the late pitching change, so thats +400 to the good and i hit my only WNBA game, that gave me a scare, the Silverstars led the whole game, and then i check, its overtime, i'm like "WTF", well they pulled it out and covered. so i picked up another +100, so overall on the day it was a +500 day. i'm still upset with Reyes blowing the save for Tampa in the bottom of the 9th, but ,hey what can you do. well heres todays predictions and plays.

NYM(J.Maine) vs. Pitt(M.Morris)
NYM -150
ov 9
Phil(K.Kendrik) vs. Wash(T.Redding)
Phil pk -110
un 9
Ari(D.Davis) vs. Flor(S.Mitre)
Ari +110
play ov 9*
S.F.(R.Ortiz) vs. Atl(T.Hudson)
ATL -250
ov 9
Cinn(P.Dumatrait) vs. CHC(T/Lilly)
CHC -200
un 10.5
play CHC -1.5 +100*
STL(J.Pineiro) vs. MIL(Y.Gallardo)
Mil -150
ov 9
Col(U.Jimenez) vs. S.D.(C.Young)
S.D. -190
ov 7.5
Hou(J.Jennings) vs. LAD(B.Penny)
play Hou +180*
ov 7.5
T.B.(A.Sonnanstine) vs. Bos(D.Matsuzaka)
Bos -280
ov 10
Bal(E.Bedard) vs. NYY(P.Hughes)
Bal +120
un 9
Minn(S.Baker) vs. Sea(J.Washburn)
Sea -130
ov 8.5
play Sea -1.5 +170*
Det(J.Jurrgens) vs. Cle(F.Carmona)
J.Jurrgens since all-star break 4-1, 2.16 era 33.1inn 27h 9r 58-26 k/bb at AA Erie Seawolves
play Det +160*
un 10
LAA(D.Moseley) vs. Tor(S.Marcum)
play Tor -130*
ov 9.5
K.C.(G.Meche) vs. Tex(V.Padilla)
K.C. pk -110
ov 10
CHW(M.Buehrle) vs. Oak(J.Blanton)
Oak pk -110
ov 8.5
6 plays* going toonight, good luck to me.
Conn vs. Ind
Conn pk
on 143
S.A. vs. Sac
S.A. +1
ov 139.5
no plays ,but i'd lean with S.A. over Sac.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

i'm tired of losing and splits

i've got to get a break some time. i never tracked the percentage of the way bets were going till last year and i think last season in MLB, if you took a team with 75% or more of the public siding with you, you would have only won, like, 51-52%, and taking in to consideration most of time when the public sides that heavy, the team is probably a heavy fave. so you would have actually lost. i don't have my binder with me right now to look it up. the reason i bring this up is because i've had some bad beats the last month, and teams that looked good on paper, faltered. i'm sure its just my conspiracy theorist nature, but i've lost quite a few games recently that the public were with me(or i was with them) 75% or better. i think i'm going to have to go through my records and see. anyway, another split last night, for -20, heres tonights predictions and plays, no short write-ups today , i don't have time.

NYM(O.Hernandez) vs. Pitt(I.Snell)
play NYM -140*
un 8.5
Phil(K.Loshe) vs. Wash(S.Hill)
Phil -120
un 9.5
Ari(B.Kim) vs. Flor(D.Willis)
Flor -130
S.F.(S.Atchinson) vs. ATL(J.Smoltz)
Atchinson 3-2 2.01era 51-8 k/bb in 53.7inn at AAA Fresno
ATL -240
ov 8.5
play RL -1.5 -120*
STL(K.Wells) vs. Mil(C.Capuano)
STL +120
un 9.5
Cinn(A.Harang) vs. CHC(C.Zambrano)
Cinn +130
ov 8
Col(J.Francis) vs. S.D.(G.Maddux)
S.D. -120
play ov 7.5*
Hou(M.Albers) vs. LAD(B.Tomko)
LAD -140
un 8.5
T.B.(S.Kazmir) vs .Bos(J.Lester)
play T.B. +120*
play un 10*
Det(J.Bonderman) vs. Cle(C.Sabathia)
Cle -150
ov 9
Bal(D,Cabrera) vs. NYY(J.Karstens)
NYY -180
un 10.5
LAA(J.Saunders) vs. Tor(R.Halladay)
LAA +140
play un 8.5*
K.C.(K.Davies) vs. Tex(K.Millwood)
Tex -140
ov 10
Minn(M.Garza) vs. Sea(H.Ramirez)
Sea -120
un 9
CHW(J.Garland) vs. Oak(L.DiNardo)
play Oak -120*
ov 8.5
7 plays* tonight, good luck to me.
Conn vs. Wash
Wash +2
ov 153.5
Hou vs. Det
Det -6
ov 151.5
N.Y. vs. Chi
Chi -2.5
ov 144.5
Minn vs. Sea
Sea -9
ov 165
S.A. vs. L.A.
play S.A. -4.5*
ov 146.5
just 1 play*, i like the lean on the over in Conn/Wash game.

Monday, August 13, 2007

feelin' better

man, I'm feeling better today. Saturday night i went out and drank a few then my brother called me , like 20 minutes after i got home, it was like 3:30 in the morning, and invited me over to his friends house, who lives right by me. there was about 8 people there playing cards, nickel and dime stuff, i think i lost $3.50, maybe, anyway, i got home about 7 a.m. and set my alarm for noon, i didn't get up till 5 p.m. , oh well, i needed abreak from picking losers. the bad thing is, i had all my picks worked out the night before and submitted them to fan sites i play on. I went 11-4 picking sides and 11-4 in ov/un's in MLB yesterday, and the 5 or 6 plays i was going to play all would have hit. you can check my records here my screen-name is "the-crutch", you can check my profile also ,also i play on a site called ,where you get points for winning and can use them in a raffle type drawing, they're always giving away gift cards or small electronics, my screen-name/handle is "clutchcard". i'm picking at 50% in MLB on the year, it should be higher, but when you don't get your ballot in on time the whole day counts against you, so i have alot of 0-14 or 0-15 days, if you just say i hit 40% on those days(cause if you look through, i don't have many days under 50%) i would be closer to 54-55% on the year. now thats for just sides, run-lines and ov/un's aren't included. now, i don't play every game everyday, i don't have that kind of disposable income, but it proves my handicapping skills. you can look me up on at
now heres todays predictions and what i'm playing

game 1
S.F.(M.Cain) vs. Pitt(P.Maholm)
Cain is way better than his record shows
S.F. -120
game 2
S.F.(N.Lowry) vs. Pitt(S.Youman)
I know Lowry's been having forearm problems, but he's still the better pitcher in this game
S.F. pk -110
Hou(R.Oswalt) vs. LAD(C.Billingsly)
i know everyone is high on Oswalt's recent performance, but Billingsly has pitched well also, he just hasn't got any run support, LAD is back from a week-long road trip, C.Martin was just given a day of rest and L.Gonzalez has been resting, and this is the 1st time this year Oswalt has faced the boys in blue
LAD -120
T.B.(J.Sheilds) vs. Bos(T.Wakefield)
Boston trying to hold off the Yanks, and Wakefield's old-ass knuckleball, last time AT Tampa he threw 6inn of 1 run ball, he's like 17-2 lifetime, nough said
Bos -180
Oak(Gaudin) vs. Det(C.Durbin)
Gaudin hasn't won in over a month, but most losses have been on the road to good hitting teams, yes, i know Det hits good, but Oakland always comes alive in Aug, and i'm not sold on the Tigers former reliever turned starter, if it comes down to pens, Oak with the edge
Oak +130
Bal(J.Guthrie) vs. NYY(C.Wang)
Guthrie just faced the Yanks at home about 2 weeks ago and went 6inn for 2 runs and a win
Wang just faced the O's away about 2 weeks ago for 6inn 3 run and a win.
if Guthrie keeps it close, cause Yanks pen is suspect
Posada may be resting, but the rest of the Yanks, minus A-Rod, are hitting the cover off and the Yanks are at home
NYY -250
Tor(J.Litsch) vs. K.C.(O.Perez)
Litsch has only given up 4 runs in his last 3 starts, the Jay's are hitting .293 vs. lefties
Perez faced Tor once this year ,way back on Apr. 9, going 1.1inn 7h 4r
play Tor -120*
un 9.5
Minn(J.Santana) vs. Sea(F.Hernandez)
if Santana is so good,why is this line so close, because Sea plays good, no, great at home.
and they hit lefties well too
i don't care Santana is 7-1 against Sea.
play Sea even +100*
just 2 plays*
Phil vs. Bal
Bal -3.5
ov 31.5
Den vs. S.F.
S.F. -3
un 35

Sunday, August 12, 2007

hung over

i feel like shit, i just woke up around 5, thats 5 in the afternoon. i got drunk all night last night, i didn't get in till around 7 this morning. most games have already played, and i don't feel like looking up anything for the few left. i just won't play anything today, may be a good thing a need a break from pickin losers. yesterday i went 5-6 in MLB for -160 and i missed my WNBA play. so i lost -270. i'm going to lay back down.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

I have to right this ship, NOW!

i don't know what to say, but, DAMN! yesterday after Boston finally got to Bedard in the top of the 8th and then the O's manager put in Bradford and Boston kept increasing their lead, i thought "O.K., a win", but NO, fuckin' Gagne had to piss it away in the bottom of the 8th. I had wrote the other day about being burned when i play the Indians when Carmona or Sabathia pitches. before the All-Star break Sabathia had pitched 12 times at home, going 9-1 with 2 no-decisions and the tribe had won 11 of 12. Carmona before the All-Star game, had pitched 8 home games, going 5-2 with 1 no-dec and the tribe had won 6 of the 8. since the All-Star break, Sabathia has lost 3 in a row at home, with 5 runs of support. Carmona has gone 2-2 since the break, losing the last 2, with 1 run of support. i can't figure out the White Sox either, i was fading this team before the break against left-handed pitching, they were only hitting barely over .220, they still haven't fared well, winning only 3 of 7, but they have raised their average to a little over .240, i still think Seattle has the superior team and the better bullpen, just the score didn't show it. Talking about teams before the all-star break and after against starting lefties. the Astro's despite hitting just under .280 against lefties were on a 2-8 skid, since then they're 7-3. Philly who were horrible against lefties before the break, now have went 7-1. the Braves are on a 1-4 skid against southpaws since the break. the Dodgers were eating up lefties before the break, and since have went 1-6. the Tigers who led the league at 19-7 and were hitting over .300 against left-handed starters, have since went 3-4. another thing about yesterday games, i didn't play this game, but i'm curious what was going through the manager of the Giants head, was he saying to him-self " you know Ortiz has pitched great ball, lets pull him and find someone to piss this game away. i'll try Atchison, damn, he's pitching great also, ok, i'll try Messenger, damn, he's pitching to good too, lets try Sanchez, Yes, thank you Sanchez, i was trying to piss this win away"
another babble about yesterday. i went 2-3 in MLB for -150, but i also lost my WNBA play that 84% percent were siding with me on and i lost my CFL play that 69% were with me on. so overall i lost -370. i should ahve just played the NFL pre(fake)season i picked the sides at 3-0-1 and the ov/un's at 3-1. oh well. heres todays predictions and plays.

Pitt(T.Armas) vs. S.F.(T.Linecum)
S.F. -210
play ov 8*
LAD(D.Lowe) vs. STL(B.Looper)
LAD pk -110
play ov 8.5*
S.D.(J.Germano) vs. Cinn(B.Livingston)
revenge is sweet and Livingston pitches good at home and he's a hitter
play Cinn pk -110*
ATL(L.Cormeir) vs. Phil(A.Eaton)
ATL +110
Mil(J.Suppan) vs. Hou(W.Rodriquez)
i know Rodriquez is virtually un-hittable at home, but i still like Mil's hitting vs. lefties and the bullpen seems to have improved as of late
Mil +110
Flor(S.Olsen) vs. NYM(T.Glavine)
Glavine has the pressure off after getting 300 and revenge is the factor after Wagner blowing apart after 2 months of domination
NYM -170
ov 8.5
play NYM -1.5 +120*
CHC(R.Hill) vs. Col(J.Fogg)
I know Hill has pitched well, but the Rock's aren't getting swept at home and Fogg pitches good at home
play Col pk -110*
un 10.5
Wash(J.Lannan) vs. Ari(B.Webb)
Webb has been lights-out his last 3
Ari -220
un 8.5
Bos(J.Beckett) vs. Bal(G.Olsen)
as long as Gagne doesn't get to pitch
Bos -160
play Bos -1.5 +100*
Oak(D.Haren) vs. Det(J.Verlander)
Det is going backwards, and Oakland is and does play well in August
play Oak +100*
Sea(M.Bastista) vs. CHW(G.Floyd)
Sea has too many good hitters and a strong pen
play Sea -130*
ov 10.5
NYY(M.Mussina) vs. Cle(P.Byrd)
the Tribe need to right their ship and Byrd is the word
Cle +100
ov 10
Tor(D.McGowen) vs. K.C.(L.Nunez)
Toronto has owned K.C. lately
play Tor -120*
un 9.5
T.B.(E.Jackson) vs. Tex(J.Rheinecker)
the Rays suck against lefties, i know Rheinecker isn't great, but the Rangers have hitters
play Tex -120*
ov 10.5
Minn(C.Silva) vs. LAA(J.Lackey)
Silva has been successfull in the past against LAA, but the Halo's at home are tough
LAA -220
play ov 8*
this is alot, 11 plays* going today, good luck to me.
G.B. vs. Pitt
Pitt -6.5
un 35.5
Jax vs. Mia
Jax -2.5
un 34
K.C. vs. Cle
K.C. +3
un 34.5
Wash vs. Tenn
Tenn -3
un 35.5
Car vs. NYG
Car pk
un 34.5
Chi vs. Hou
Chi -1
un 32.5
Ari vs. Oak
Ari +1
un 35
you may notice i picked under in all games, thats because there's not alot of scoring in preseason
Ham vs. Edm
Edm -4.5
ov 52.5
Ind vs. Det
Det -7.5
ov 141
Hou vs. S.A.
play S.A. -7*
ov 146
Conn vs. Chi
Conn -1.5
ov 150.5
L.A. vs. Pho
Pho -10.5
ov 174
Wash vs. Sea
Sea -3
ov 156
just 1 play*, but i really like the lean on Pho and Sea covering

Friday, August 10, 2007

the bleeding has to stop!!!

this is the worse 3 day skid i've had this baseball season, at least two of my losses yesterday i know i was in good campany, the Tigers had 76% of the public with them as well as the Twins at 84%. so at least i know i wasn't the only one to take it on the chin. i went 2-4 for -280 yesterday, well heres my predictions and plays for tonights games.

Flor(D.Barone) vs. NYM(B.Lawrence)
Barone 7-0 4.09ERA 31-14 k/bb in 10 games at AAA Albuquergue
NYM -150
S.D.(W.Ledezma) vs. Cinn(M.Belisle)
S.D. pk -110
ATL(C.James) vs. Phil(C.Hamels)
Phil -140
Mil(D.Bush) vs. Hou(J.Jennings)
Hou pk -110
LAD(B.Penny) vs. STL(A.Wainwright)
i know LAD hasn't played well at STL in the past 2 years
plat LAD -120*
CHC(J.Marquis) vs. COL(A.Cook)
Col -150
Wash(M.Chico) vs. Ari(L.Hernandez)
Ari -150
Pitt(M.Morris) vs. S.F.)R.Ortiz)
Ortiz hasn't pitched since june4, and Morris facing his former team
S.F. -120
Bos(D.Matsuzaka) vs. Bal(E.Bedard)
Dice-K hasn't faced the birds this year
play Bos -120*
NYY(P.Hughes) vs. Cle(F.Carmona)
play Cle -130*
Oak(J.Blanton) vs. Det(J.Tata)
Det -130
Tor(S.Marcum) vs. K.C.(G.Meche)
play Tor -120*
Sea(J.Washburn) vs. CHW(J.Vasquez)
play Sea +110*
T.B.(A.Sonnastine) vs. Tex(B.McCarthy)
Tex -130
Minn(S.Baker) vs. LAA(K.Escobar)
LAA -190
just 5 plays* going tonight , good luck to me!
ATL vs. N.Y.
N.Y. -3.5
N.E. vs. T.B.
N.E. +3
Buf vs. N.O.
Buff +6.5
STL vs. Minn
STL +1
Sask vs. Tor
Tor +4
Winn vs. B.C.
play B.C. -5*
1 play* going
Sac vs. Hou
Sac +1*
1 game 1 play*

Thursday, August 9, 2007

i thought the day before was bad

the day before i said i got spanked, well, yesterday i got rocked. i went 1-6 for -475. two lousy days in a row, but i'll bounce back. i won't type out the bullshit, cause no one reads this but me anyway. so heres todays predictions and plays.

ATL(T.Hudson) vs. NYM(J.Maine)
ATL -120
LAD(B.Tomko) vs. Cinn(P.Dumatrait)
play LAD -120*
Wash(J.Hannahan) vs. S.F.(P.Misch)
Wash +110
Flo(S.Mitre) vs. Phil(K.Kendrik)
Phil -140
S.D.(C.Young) vs. STL(J.Pinero)
STL +130
play ov 8.5*
CHC(T.Lilly) vs. Col(U.Jimenez)
play Col +100*
Pitt(I.Snell) vs. Ari(D.Davis)
play Ari -130*
T.B.(S.Kazmir) vs. Det(J.Bonderman)
play Det -140*
Minn(M.Garza) vs. K.C.(K.Davies)
play Minn -130*
Sea(H.Ramirez) vs. Bal(D.Cabrera)
Sea +100
Cle(A.Laffey) vs. CHW(M.Buehrle)
Cle +110
6 plays* today, good luck to me
Sea vs. Det
Det -9
N.Y. vs. Pho
Pho -9
Wash vs. L.A.
Wash pk
Cal vs. Mont
Mont -1.5
ov 51
i don't play much preseason, cause its a fake season,
but i would lean with Det in this game, they spent alot of money in the off-season and got a good young crop of receivers, Kitna looks good, i just look for them to come out and try to prove to people they are for real.
Cinn vs. Det
Det -3
Ind vs. Dal
Dal -4.5

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

yesterday was a spankin'

yesterday was one of those days you want to forget, especially for Womens hoops. in MLB i went 3-3 for -70, but in the WNBA i went 1-3. i really thought the Sun and the Silvarstars were playing good ball at home, and the Mercury came up a point short. the bad thing is, i predicted the other games right, but didn't play'em. oh well thats how it go's. heres tonights predictions and plays.
Mil(Y.Gallardo) vs. Col(J.Francis)
Col -130
Flor(D.Willis) vs. Phil(K.Lohse)
Phil -130
ATL(J.Smotlz) vs. NYM(O.Hernandez)
NYM pk -110
LAD(C.Billingsly) vs. Cinn(A.Harang)
play LAD even +100*
CHC(C.Zambrano) vs. Hou(R.Oswalt)
play CHC pk -110*
S.D(G.Maddux) vs. STL(K.Wells)
S.D. pk -110
Pitt(P.Maholm) vs. Ari(B.Kim)
Ari -140
play Ari -1.5 +150*
Wash(T.Redding) vs. S.F.(M.Cain)
play Wash +130*
Sea(F.Hernandez) vs. Bal(J.Guthrie)
play Bal even +100*
T.B.(J.Shields) vs. Det(C.Durbin)
T.B. +120
NYY(C.Wang) vs. Tor(R.Halladay)
Tor even +100
Minn(J.Santana) vs. K.C.(O.Perez)
K.C. +190
Cle(C.Sabathia) vs. CHW(J.Garland)
Cle -140
play Cle -1.5 +110*
Oak(L.DiNardo) vs. Tex(K.Millwood)
Oak +100
Bos(J.Lester) vs. LAA(D.Moseley)
play LAA pk -110*
7 plays* tonight, good luck to me.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

yesterday wasn't bad

turned a small profit yesterday, i went 4-2 in MLB for +190, texas made a good effort after coming back from 6 down to start the first, but couldn't pull it out in extra innings. I know i've mentioned this in past posts, but i do handicapp all these games i predict and the games i personally play. I just don't have the time usually to give a short write-up and mainly because i'm just doing this for myself basically, I don't think no one reads this but me. since were mainly in baseball season right now(well were getting to football), i'll just give an idea of how i handicapp baseball(i give all other sports the same in-depth look). i start off printing out the schedule for the day's games, i look and see what pitchers are left handed and right handed, then i look at past performance against who they're facing, then i check and see if they've faced that team this year already and if it was at home or on the road, then i check who they were matched up against in that game and if any key players were absent on either team. i check and see how they've have preformed recently and wether it was at home or on the road and the strength of the teams they faced. i look at the batting averages of each team vs. left-handed or right-handed pitching and how they have fared lately and if any key players are injured or have just came back. i check out runs given up in the past vs. teams and recent runs given up. i check bullpen matchups, whos pitched alot lately and might not be available if needed today, theres a few other filters i throw in there also. now i know some cappers put stock into whos behind the plate and what ballpark their playing in. i haven't found much difference in umps calls, i know some cappers will say this ump or that ump has a tighter strike zone or one calls more strikes than another. if you actually follow it, some umps just happen to be behind the plate when quality pitchers are up or the pitchers are more fastball, slider,sinker throwers, some umps happen to be behind the plate for curveball and breaking-ball or change-up throwers who rely more on painting the corners. as for ballparks, yes you would think the hometown crowd does give a slight edge or helps out a little, but some cappers take into effect the size or distance of the field and what team has more power hitters. the shorter the field, easier for the long-ball, or some have short rightfields and if a team has some left-handed power hitters they might hit more homers. some even take into effect the foul territory, the theory is if you have less room in the foul area, a power hitter who fouls one off, especially a pop-up, it will go out of play and he has more chances to put one in play or hit it out. all of that is too much info for me, i try and keep it fairly simple, i already put to much thought into this, sometimes to much. when you lose after doing so much research sometimes you think it would be better flipping a coin, but it does pay off in the long haul, it's a slow and steady grind.

well heres todays predictions and plays with a short write-up about each.


Flo(R.VandenHurk) vs. Phil(J.Moyer)

Moyer is 5-0 in his career vs. Flo., 1-0 this year, 7inn. of 2hit 0 run ball

Phil -160

ATL(B.Carlyle) vs. NYM(O.Perez)
Perez has faced ATL 3 times this year all early in the season
@ATL 7inn 5h 1r
vs. ATL 6.2 inn 9h 2r
@ATL 7 inn 4h 0 r
on the flip side Carlyle has went 4-1 L5 games, only given up runs of 2,4,3,1, and 3
Mets are at home and ATL struggles against lefties
play NYM -150*

LAD(M.Hendrickson) vs. Cinn(B.Arroyo)or(A.Harang)
really doesn't matter whos pitching for the Reds, they struggle against lefties
especially Griffey and Dunn
play LAD pk -110*

CHC(S.Marshall) vs. Hou(W.Williams)
Marshall was rocked his last game he pitched, his last win was @Cincy on july 28 and before that it was on june 24 @CHW, both those teams suck against lefties, Houston doesn't
Williams has faced the Cubbies twice this season, lost one game 1-2, he only gave up 2 runs

he got a no-decision in the other and only gave up 2 runs

Hou hitting .276 vs. lefties, Cubs hitting .276 vs. righties

Hou is at home, Soriano is out for the Cubs, and Dempster hasn't been impressive since coming off the DL

Hou even +100


S.D.(J.Peavy) vs. STL(A.Reyes)

Peavy's last game @STL 7 inn 3h 0 runs 10k's 2bb

S.D. is only hitting .239 on the year vs. righties and STL hits .276 at home, it comes down to starting pitching, Reyes sucks, and the Padre's bullpen is better

S.D. -160


Mil(C.Capuano) vs. Col(J.Hirsh)

Capuano last game vs. Col 3inn 6h 5r

Hirsh 2-0 career vs. Mil
Mil. hitting .258 on the road
Col. hitting .278 vs. lefties and overall .293 at home on the year

play Col -120*

Pitt(P.Maholm) or (T.Gorzelanny) vs. Ari(M.Owings)
on may 19th Gorzelanny and Owings faced each other at Pitt with Zona winning and neither pitcher getting the decision.
Gorzelanny went 6inn 7h 2r
Owings went 2.2inn 6h 7r
Pitt is hitting .250 vs. righties and .266 as a team on the road
Ari is only hitting .238 vs. lefties , but Ari finds ways to win
Gorzelanny is coming off shoulder trouble, some of Pitt's key batters are banged up
Zona's bullpen is solid
Ari -130

Wash(M.Bacsik) vs. S.F.(B.Zito)

Bacsik is 0-1 in his career vs. S.F. in his only game against them he went 5.1inn 9h 3r

but he has won 3 straight games
Zito is 0-1 vs. Wash. and since june 15 he's 2-4 with 3 no-dec's and he pitched an inning of relief the other night in a extra innings loss to San Diego
Wash is hitting .270 vs. lefties, S.F. only .241
Wash +130
play un8.5
Sea(J.Weaver) vs. Bal(S.Trachsel)
Weaver has lost 4 straught games and is 3-4 in career vs. Bal
Trachsel is 0-4 in his career vs. Sea, but that was in 2000 when he split time with T.B. and Tor
Sea hasn't played well on the road this year
Bal pk -110
T.B.(J.Hammel) vs. Det(N.Robertson)
Hammel started the year as a reliever, he's started his last 3 , and went 2 no-dec's and 1 loss while giving up only 2,2, and 2 runs against good hitting teams Tor,Bos,and NYY
Robertson has lost 3 straight
if the Rays can build a lead early, maybe their shaky pen can hold
Det might have a few key players out, and their pen has been shaky
T.B. +160
NYY(R.Clemens) vs. Tor(J.Towers)
Clemens last game at home vs. Tor ,6inn 9h 1r
Towers 2-8 vs. NYY, last game @NYY 5.2inn 9h 6r
A-Rod has the monkey off his back now, and the whole Yankees team is swinging good
NYY -160
Minn(B.Bonser) vs. K.C.(B.Bannister)
Bonser and Bannister just faced off on Aug 1, both got a no-dec
before that game Bannister had won 2 straight giving up 0 and 1 run
Minn just came off a series against Cle where they scored a total of 6 runs
K.C. just got swept by the Yankees
go with the team hungry for a win
K.C. pk -110
Cle(J.Westbrook) vs. CHW(J.Danks)
Westbrook may have looked good his last time out, but last game @home against CHW,6in 7h 4r
Janks last game against Cle wasn't much better 5.2in 8h 5r, but the Sox won
CHW have won 4 straight
CHW +110
Oak(C.Gaudin) vs. Tex(K.Gabbard)
Gaudin's last game against Tex @ home, 6inn 8h 5r, 1-3 career vs. Tex
Gabbard 0-1 in career vs. Oak, hasn't faced them this year, has held teams to 3 runs or less in 5 of last 6 games, look for Tex to get revenge
play Tex pk -110*
play un 10*
Bos(T.Wakefeild) vs. LAA(J.Saunders)
Wakefield may be 8-2 since june 12, and won @ home against LAA back on april 13, threw 7inn 5h 1r ball for a 10-1 Bos win, but he's only 9-10 in his career against the Halo's
Saunders has faced Bos only once in his career and it wasn't this year, he's 5-0 and has 3 no-decisions, has gave up 3 runs or less in all starts except one, he gave up 4 runs.
the big difference here is hitting, Bos is .262 on the road, while LAA is .311 at home
play LAA -120*
6 plays going tonight , good luck to me.
Sac vs. Conn
play Conn -4.5*
Wash vs. S.A.
play S.A. -5*
play ov 148*
Ind vs. Chi
Chi -3
N.Y. vs. Hou
N.Y. +4.5
Pho vs. L.A.
play Pho -3.5*
4 plays* lined up in womens hoops